Friday, September 1, 2017

A Dancer in the Infinite - Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Across the Veils

 The formalism of quantum theory did not come out of nowhere. It is the solution of a scientific problem and, as always in science, the problem was not primarily what mathematical formula best predicts the outcomes of experiments. It was what mathematical structures correspond best to reality. If we alter the ‘interpretation’ of the theory without regard to the second question, we can conjure up virtually any world we like. But it will not be the real world. The real world is the multiverse, and it does contain many universes. – David Duetsch


     The Egg was gone.  Marie floated freely, unmolested by gravity’s demands.  Around her was blackness so deep that there was no Marie.  She could see no sign of her arms, legs, body … she could feel her limbs and hair if she reached for them.  Or could she?  Now she wasn’t even sure of that so pervasive was the darkness around her.  And through her?  A deep Nothingness settled over her.  She realized all that remained of her now was her mind, her consciousness.  And in an instant, that too was gone.  There was only Nothingness stretching across the deepest reaches of eternity and throughout the depths of time.  Nothingness.  There was no eternity and no time now.  Nothingness.  Ain.  The first Veil of Negative Existence had been breached.

     And then there was Eternity again.  Infinite possibility swirling within the Nothingness, eroding it.  Marie’s conscious became one with this eternity, this infinity of potential.  She pervaded everything that was to be.  Infinities stacked upon infinities.  The dream of all things throughout all the universes that would ever be, the Infinite Dream, before the threshold of Cosmic Wakefullness.  Marie was Nothing and Infinity all at once.  For Eternity she remained so.  Ain Soph.

     After Infinite reaches had passed through endless eternities, Marie’s mind filled with Light.  Infinite Light that filled the reaches of Eternity and dissolved the Nothingness into Brilliance that pervaded all that was to manifest throughout the Multiverse.  Now Marie was back, her mind was Marie again, her consciousness her own.  But even that mind was filled with Sparkling ALL LIGHT that shone from every corner of everything everywhere.  Just Light, but not the light that Marie had come to know from her life on Earth, but a primordial light that shined from within all things before there were things.

Endless, Limitless Light.  Ain Soph Aur.

     For a quick moment Marie was there, floating or swimming, submerged in that Light, her translucent golden suit reflecting it and conducting it through her.  Shapes began to distill from the ALL Light, slowly manifesting into shapes around her.

     Cold hard ground slammed into her as she fell backwards.

copyright 2017 Diana Hignutt

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