Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Dancer in the Infinite - Chapter 33

Chapter 33

A Friend of Cathars


We hypostatize information into objects. Rearrangement of objects is change in the content of the information; the message has changed. This is a language which we have lost the ability to read. We ourselves are a part of this language; changes in us are changes in the content of the information. We ourselves are information-rich; information enters us, is processed and is then projected outward once more, now in an altered form. We are not aware that we are doing this, that in fact this is all we are doing – Philp K. Dick


Everything transitory is but an image. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



     “We have more in common that you would prefer to admit, my Friend,” said the Bon Homme.  “Your Kabbalah is the story of multiple creations, your Four Worlds … though we need only the two.”

     “You always say this,” Joshua reminded him.

     “That is because,” replied Guilhabert of Castres, Cathar Bishop of Toulouse, and Joshua’s oldest friend, “You refuse to see what is before your eyes.  Even in your Kabbalah, it is Samuel, spirit of darkness that reigns as Archangel over Malkuth, this world of ours.”

     “You are not debating Dominic, my friend,” joked the Cabalist, “And if I cede your point, you’ll count me among your credentes.”

     “In good time,” Guilhabert laughed, “Maybe not in this lifetime, but perhaps the next?”

     “I’ll drink to that,” and lifted his glass of wine.  Both men drank.

     “It is good to see you,” observed the Bon Homme.  “Though, I fear this visit won’t be a long one.  The storm clouds are gathering in Languedoc.  The pope will blame Raymond for Peter’s murder, and our protector will be powerless to stop the onslaught that shall be unleashed upon us all.  My sources tell me that Innocent has abandoned conversation and diplomacy and is ready now to turn to the sword to deal with us, and I’m sorry to say, all of our dear Raymond’s experiments in social equality and liberty.  You would do well my friend to come with me, or at the least to flee Toulouse before the iron fist of the crusader is let loose upon us all.”

     “Ah,” answered Joshua, “but if this world is an evil illusion then fleeing makes no difference, does it?”

     “I have many to minister to.  I can tend those in the mountains where the crusaders will not go.  Souls are real enough, and the more I can turn away from this evil world of illusion, the better, if not in Toulouse, then elsewhere.”

     “Before you leave, just in case you are right, I have something that I want you to take with you for safe keeping:  My work, my life’s work.”

     “The nameless Arab’s musings on the Kabbalah?” guessed the Bon Homme.

     “The Veils of Negative Existence are far more than musings,” retorted Joshua.

     “Ah, now, who is trying to convert who?”

copyright 2017 Diana Hignutt

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